Private Consultations with Magenta Pixie
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a personal consultation?
A personal consultation is a one to one session between you and me. This can take place over the telephone, face to face or usually this takes place over Skype.
This can be a "reading" where I link into your energy fields and talk about what I see for you in realms "out of time" (your past, present and future) looking at the patterning around you and aiding you to navigate your timelines and create the future you want for yourself (and of course, the present!). However this "reading" is interactive and you may ask any question which will be responded to by myself or the Nine.
I also offer training in higher density communication (channeling).
I also provide holistic counselling if you require this. This form of counselling looks at all that is you, your multi-dimensional selves and all the individualised holographic fractals that make up "you," in order to bring clarity and healing to the emotional and spiritual bodies bringing everything into balance.
Many of the consultations and readings are specific to your Ascension path and your role in this.
What is Skype?
Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free. You can download Skype (it's free) by CLICKING HERE
How does it work?
You add me to your Skype list of friends and at a designated time we "meet" on Skype (or if you are local I can call you at a specific, mutually convenient time on the telephone, or arrange to meet for a face to face consultation).
These Skype sessions often take on a real "magikal" energy between myself and my client, this goes far beyond a "consultation" and becomes what it truly is, a destined, blueprinted meeting between like minded, often soul linked individuals. Synchronicity takes place before, during and after the sessions in many cases. Each consultation is as unique as the individuals that come for them.
How long does it last?
The session typically lasts 60-90 minutes but I do follow the energy on this and I will know when a session has reached it's natural conclusion.
How can you do a psychic reading or intuitive session over the phone or through Skype when the person isn't even in the room?
The energetic patterning of a person's frequency can be felt and "seen" through looking at a person's photograph or hearing their voice. The energetic body is not bound by the confines of the physical body or linear time but is an aspect of the overall consciousness. We may all have seperate physical bodies but our true beings are one, therefore a reading can take place no matter how far apart in distance you may be. This telepathy between humanity has always been there but now we can utilise this with the connections and freedom the internet brings us.
How do I pay and when?
You should pay at your earliest convenience once you have confirmation of a booking with Magenta Pixie, and no later than 24 hours before your booked session. You can pay by CLICKING HERE - click the "Donate" button and this will take you to a page where you can pay via PayPal. It is not essential for you to open a PayPal account if you do not have one already. You can use a credit or debit card to pay instantly - the same way as you would buy anything else via the internet. Just click the part that says "Don't have a PayPal account?" and follow the instructions.
PayPal is the only payment method currently available.
If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason, please let us know no later than 48 hours before. That way, someone else can benefit from the appointment, and you can reschedule for another time if desired. Failure to adhere to this common courtesy may affect your chances of working with Magenta Pixie in the future.
My recommendations when it comes to taking supplements, herbs, excersise programs and other alternative and complementary therapies are based on my own life experience, personal research and intuition. In no way are they to be a substitute for a doctor or physician's advice. Do seek medical advice when beginning any new excersise program.
Although I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Crystal Healer all other recommendations to you come from my own personal experience, research, intuition and channeled information.
Magenta Pixie.