Mother Earth
Mother Earth is peaceful and calm as she nurtures her children, holding them in her maternal embrace with healing galactic wings.
Yet at times, she cries, for when she is prodded and plunged with the electrical shockwaves that rush through the bloodlines of her planetary body, the sleeping dragons are awakened and she cannot stop the rumblings, quaking and shaking that has been forced upon her.
Those that wield the inverted sword, then stand in all innocence and do cry:
"Oh dear it is Mother Nature, she is angry this day. It is you, her children who abuse her with your sprays and fumes and polluted thoughts. You are the bad ones, you are the destroyers and we will build a bubble of grass and simulated woodland to keep you in. You shall own nothing yet you shall be happy in your simulated, technological world."
Gaslighting abounds as the children, losing their understanding of guardianship of the beloved Mother, turn upon one another and direct self loathing at themselves.
Look at what we have done to the world. We are bad, inherently bad and we must be punished for our sins. Yet our benevolent benefactors of governance still provide for our unworthy selves and build us cities with everything we need within just a fifteen minute reach. We are lucky are we not?
Mother Earth calls out to her galactic brothers and sisters for help and assistance yet the space rocks also are bound down, their natural sonar caught in a gridlocked web of artificial space dust, their golden hue plundered and their trajectory discombobulated.
What is to be done in these times of seeming destruction and decay as Armageddon is activated?
Earthstar mission, Atlantis risen, within the children who remember their guardianship. Through the collective union of open-hearted knowing, they embody the gold, the silver and the Rose Gold Flame. Drawing down galactic rose lines from cosmic to planetary and deliver the sustenance to the land.
Dragon eggs aplenty in abundance. Huge clutches of that which have not been seen for aeons and a day, return with the full moon of Spring/Autumn alignment.
When the dragon egg breaks, the hatchlings emerge, the rose line plasmic rivers of krystalline coded time cannot be plunged. Instead the land shall be purged. Love floods in and the blessed light of heaven shall adorn the Earth with all its glory.
Until then, Earthstar mission, Atlantis risen, guardians of Gaia remembered. Piece by piece the template is given back to humanity.
Mother Earth can rest once more, Luna returns. Sol once again takes her as his bride.
It is prophesied, it is written and it is universally, galactically and cosmically encoded. None shall denounce it, nothing can change it and nought can bring it down.
It is done and eternally sealed.
The crystal talisman is placed once more in its rightful place in the kingdom, never to be displaced again.
Magenta Pixie
Yet at times, she cries, for when she is prodded and plunged with the electrical shockwaves that rush through the bloodlines of her planetary body, the sleeping dragons are awakened and she cannot stop the rumblings, quaking and shaking that has been forced upon her.
Those that wield the inverted sword, then stand in all innocence and do cry:
"Oh dear it is Mother Nature, she is angry this day. It is you, her children who abuse her with your sprays and fumes and polluted thoughts. You are the bad ones, you are the destroyers and we will build a bubble of grass and simulated woodland to keep you in. You shall own nothing yet you shall be happy in your simulated, technological world."
Gaslighting abounds as the children, losing their understanding of guardianship of the beloved Mother, turn upon one another and direct self loathing at themselves.
Look at what we have done to the world. We are bad, inherently bad and we must be punished for our sins. Yet our benevolent benefactors of governance still provide for our unworthy selves and build us cities with everything we need within just a fifteen minute reach. We are lucky are we not?
Mother Earth calls out to her galactic brothers and sisters for help and assistance yet the space rocks also are bound down, their natural sonar caught in a gridlocked web of artificial space dust, their golden hue plundered and their trajectory discombobulated.
What is to be done in these times of seeming destruction and decay as Armageddon is activated?
Earthstar mission, Atlantis risen, within the children who remember their guardianship. Through the collective union of open-hearted knowing, they embody the gold, the silver and the Rose Gold Flame. Drawing down galactic rose lines from cosmic to planetary and deliver the sustenance to the land.
Dragon eggs aplenty in abundance. Huge clutches of that which have not been seen for aeons and a day, return with the full moon of Spring/Autumn alignment.
When the dragon egg breaks, the hatchlings emerge, the rose line plasmic rivers of krystalline coded time cannot be plunged. Instead the land shall be purged. Love floods in and the blessed light of heaven shall adorn the Earth with all its glory.
Until then, Earthstar mission, Atlantis risen, guardians of Gaia remembered. Piece by piece the template is given back to humanity.
Mother Earth can rest once more, Luna returns. Sol once again takes her as his bride.
It is prophesied, it is written and it is universally, galactically and cosmically encoded. None shall denounce it, nothing can change it and nought can bring it down.
It is done and eternally sealed.
The crystal talisman is placed once more in its rightful place in the kingdom, never to be displaced again.
Magenta Pixie