Positive/Negative Timelines (Explaining the Bifurcation)
Magenta, is it true that the awake and aware are on a positive timeline and that the unaware/asleep are on a negative timeline? Does this mean we have to leave our loved ones, make a choice and say goodbye to those we love? Is there anything we can do to bring them with us?
My reply:
Well, yes this scenario is 'true' but very literally interpreted. I have said before that many psychics & channels will pick up accurate energy imprints/messages but interpret them so literally that they end up being distorted and thus, misinformation (through no fault of their own except inability to interpret multidimensional information.)
So let us break this down. Yes the awake and aware are indeed on a 'positive timeline' you could also call this 'the Ascension Timeline' or 'New Earth' or 'The 5D reality'.
Does this mean therefore that the unaware/asleep are on a negative timeline? Well, that depends. It is not 'wrong' to say they are on a negative timeline but it needs more clarification. The truth is they are hijacked by a group of individuals/entities who are manipulating them in order to create a negative timeline. They are not necessarily stuck on that trajectory, although many of them are.
The Nine have already explained that the juice was the choicepoint. The bifurcation increases 100 fold for society once the juice choice has been made. This is because the reality presented will now be very different for those on the positive timeline and those manipulated into following a reality designed to create a negative timeline.
In truth, there are no timelines. These are just directional concepts to allow the third dimensional brain to interpret reality. When standing as a planetary conduit it is very important (crucial in fact) to present the clarity that is needed alongside the message given, as much as one is able to do.
The unaware/asleep can make the choice to move to the positive timeline anytime they so choose. They may not actually go through ascension, however partial ascension is on the table for these souls. They may still make the choice to experience the reality the positive timeline presents, even though they have moved through the choicepoint. The souls that do this will need to cease following the manipulations and further juice choices in order to remain within this timeline (New Earth). Having said that, there may be a few souls who try to navigate both sides of the bifurcation but that will not be easy at all to do so. Once this happens we would be within the beginnings of a trifurcated society (three worlds not two) but lets save that for a later date.
For this piece I will concentrate on the bifurcation (two worlds.)
So there will be those who choose to switch over into New Earth and that choice will always be available for them, without ascension at soul level but for some, ascension will be achieved. This group of souls that switch over are rare souls and the most probable trajectory we are on is that this group remains rare, however this could change and there are fluctuations within the probability fields.
This will depend on the great awakening and the false awakening and how they are unravelled and interpreted.
You see those within the manipulation into a negative timeline, will believe that it is they that are on the positive timeline. They will believe that those in New Earth are the ones experiencing a negative reality and that is what it will look like on the surface.
The Nine have already explained this as the 'Robin Hood Society' effect.
The dark agenda is to remove root chakra survival/foundational needs/functionality from all humanity and then return those very root chakra survival needs/functions back to selected humanity on a reward/punishment basis.
This playout may look quite different from one place to another and due to the fact that they change the way they implement their plans, it is really impossible for any seer, prophet or channel to present exactly how this will look, in any given area on the planet.
So preparation is needed on the physical level as a back up system for root chakra survival needs. Imagine the worst case scenario for survival, without fear, and prepare for that as best you can. It is unlikely to ever manifest within that 'worst case scenario'.
Those within the true New Earth/positive timeline will be the ones that the dark agenda are targeting regarding the reward/punishment programs. However, the New Earth communities and assemblies will be in place with alternatives and all the spiritual work these souls have undertaken regarding consciousness, will carry them through. Perception and perspective will be everything at this point and all supposed 'punishments' can be turned into positive experiences. I am talking here about those within the New Earth/Ascension timeline/reality - 5D. It won't be the same for those within 3D (manipulated into negative timeline) for they will not understand the reward/punishment system and will feel this is beyond anyone's control or is an 'act of God' and their fear will prevent them from accessing their own creativity and innovative thinking.
To explain this reward/punishment scenario, let us take the example of the young child who is perceived to have been 'naughty' by it's caregivers and is 'sent to his/her bedroom.'
Now to the fearful, insecure child this is indeed a punishment, triggering feelings of abandonment and exclusion from the family unit.
To the naturally aware child holding a positive way of thinking or 'starseed consciousness' this becomes the perfect time to catch up on reading, or carry on with the game they were playing earlier, or to watch the natural world through their window or to engage in some other creative pursuit or whatever joyful activity comes to mind.
Those within New Earth hold the latter perspective. They will use every scenario to it's highest advantage and most positive outcome. This is why they exist within what is being called a 'positive timeline.' Every experience is a chance for new joy, new abundance, new creativity. It can be made fun! Even when it was designed as a punishment.
The more people that hold this 'New Earth Consciousness' the more that reality itself will mirror the experience that this consciousness holds.
So you can answer for yourself. Which is the positive timeline and which is the manipulation into a negative timeline?
For those within the 'positive timeline' the negative one does not exist. It cannot. It can be seen and understood but it is not experienced.
Regarding making a choice, yes a choice is always presented at end times. For this planet, the Nine have told us that it was/is the juice as the 'end times choicepoint' therefore most souls will have already made that choice.
Do we have to say goodbye and leave loved ones? Well on a conscious or energetic level that has already happened. The bifurcation is already well underway. So from that perspective the answer is yes.
On a physical level, globally, this is not the case. Loved ones can be remained with physically as the dimensions are superimposed upon one another. You exist within the same physical space but in a different dimension. However, it will become more and more of a challenge to co-exist this way but there are those who will be able to navigate this successfully. Always remember that some souls are existing within both sides of the bifurcation simultaneously. Others are partly/sometimes within one timeline and partly/sometimes within the other as they hold different perspectives regarding different scenarios and events. For example there are those who avoided the juice choicepoint but may still be fully invested in the false narrative regarding other playouts involving sustenance, finance, energy, battle, outer space, religion, knowledge etc.
There may be those who do, literally choose to leave their loved ones behind and move to a place, physically, where they exist only with others of the New Earth. This choice will be presented around the time of the trifurcation, where their choice may be to live full time within New Earth/positive timeline, live full time within the manipulated into negative timeline/old Earth/AI construct or live physically between the two.
The Nine tell me this choice will be fully down to the individual within the New Earth consciousness as free will is experienced here (this is 5D) and nothing is forced upon anyone. Others may make choices that you would not choose and those choices must be respected but your choice is always yours and yours alone.
You ask if there is anything we can do to bring them with us? Well, clues can be given, hints can be provided, gifts can be presented and much more but it must be their choice which side of the bifurcation they choose to exist within. You cannot force anyone to move into your timeline/reality. Just as you cannot force someone to share your perspective. It is the same thing.
As we go forward in time, these teachings from the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine will become of high importance. They are indeed already so. Yet these teachings are not really 'teachings'. They are simply reminders or catalysts for everything you already know. If you are 'in New Earth' (which you will be if you are reading this) then you already know everything I have just written here.
Stand strong, things are about to get 'crazy' yet again. On the negative side, this is a collapse of everything we have ever known within a societal structure or system in our lifetime. You will hear the word 'unprecedented' again and again.
This is pure destruction and saviours will come.
On the positive side this is a revealing of all that has been hidden. That has been a long time coming and it will be welcomed by those who hold truth, sovereignty and right action within their hearts and minds.
This is pure creation and there is no saviour save self.
With love,
Magenta Pixie (and the Nine) X
My reply:
Well, yes this scenario is 'true' but very literally interpreted. I have said before that many psychics & channels will pick up accurate energy imprints/messages but interpret them so literally that they end up being distorted and thus, misinformation (through no fault of their own except inability to interpret multidimensional information.)
So let us break this down. Yes the awake and aware are indeed on a 'positive timeline' you could also call this 'the Ascension Timeline' or 'New Earth' or 'The 5D reality'.
Does this mean therefore that the unaware/asleep are on a negative timeline? Well, that depends. It is not 'wrong' to say they are on a negative timeline but it needs more clarification. The truth is they are hijacked by a group of individuals/entities who are manipulating them in order to create a negative timeline. They are not necessarily stuck on that trajectory, although many of them are.
The Nine have already explained that the juice was the choicepoint. The bifurcation increases 100 fold for society once the juice choice has been made. This is because the reality presented will now be very different for those on the positive timeline and those manipulated into following a reality designed to create a negative timeline.
In truth, there are no timelines. These are just directional concepts to allow the third dimensional brain to interpret reality. When standing as a planetary conduit it is very important (crucial in fact) to present the clarity that is needed alongside the message given, as much as one is able to do.
The unaware/asleep can make the choice to move to the positive timeline anytime they so choose. They may not actually go through ascension, however partial ascension is on the table for these souls. They may still make the choice to experience the reality the positive timeline presents, even though they have moved through the choicepoint. The souls that do this will need to cease following the manipulations and further juice choices in order to remain within this timeline (New Earth). Having said that, there may be a few souls who try to navigate both sides of the bifurcation but that will not be easy at all to do so. Once this happens we would be within the beginnings of a trifurcated society (three worlds not two) but lets save that for a later date.
For this piece I will concentrate on the bifurcation (two worlds.)
So there will be those who choose to switch over into New Earth and that choice will always be available for them, without ascension at soul level but for some, ascension will be achieved. This group of souls that switch over are rare souls and the most probable trajectory we are on is that this group remains rare, however this could change and there are fluctuations within the probability fields.
This will depend on the great awakening and the false awakening and how they are unravelled and interpreted.
You see those within the manipulation into a negative timeline, will believe that it is they that are on the positive timeline. They will believe that those in New Earth are the ones experiencing a negative reality and that is what it will look like on the surface.
The Nine have already explained this as the 'Robin Hood Society' effect.
The dark agenda is to remove root chakra survival/foundational needs/functionality from all humanity and then return those very root chakra survival needs/functions back to selected humanity on a reward/punishment basis.
This playout may look quite different from one place to another and due to the fact that they change the way they implement their plans, it is really impossible for any seer, prophet or channel to present exactly how this will look, in any given area on the planet.
So preparation is needed on the physical level as a back up system for root chakra survival needs. Imagine the worst case scenario for survival, without fear, and prepare for that as best you can. It is unlikely to ever manifest within that 'worst case scenario'.
Those within the true New Earth/positive timeline will be the ones that the dark agenda are targeting regarding the reward/punishment programs. However, the New Earth communities and assemblies will be in place with alternatives and all the spiritual work these souls have undertaken regarding consciousness, will carry them through. Perception and perspective will be everything at this point and all supposed 'punishments' can be turned into positive experiences. I am talking here about those within the New Earth/Ascension timeline/reality - 5D. It won't be the same for those within 3D (manipulated into negative timeline) for they will not understand the reward/punishment system and will feel this is beyond anyone's control or is an 'act of God' and their fear will prevent them from accessing their own creativity and innovative thinking.
To explain this reward/punishment scenario, let us take the example of the young child who is perceived to have been 'naughty' by it's caregivers and is 'sent to his/her bedroom.'
Now to the fearful, insecure child this is indeed a punishment, triggering feelings of abandonment and exclusion from the family unit.
To the naturally aware child holding a positive way of thinking or 'starseed consciousness' this becomes the perfect time to catch up on reading, or carry on with the game they were playing earlier, or to watch the natural world through their window or to engage in some other creative pursuit or whatever joyful activity comes to mind.
Those within New Earth hold the latter perspective. They will use every scenario to it's highest advantage and most positive outcome. This is why they exist within what is being called a 'positive timeline.' Every experience is a chance for new joy, new abundance, new creativity. It can be made fun! Even when it was designed as a punishment.
The more people that hold this 'New Earth Consciousness' the more that reality itself will mirror the experience that this consciousness holds.
So you can answer for yourself. Which is the positive timeline and which is the manipulation into a negative timeline?
For those within the 'positive timeline' the negative one does not exist. It cannot. It can be seen and understood but it is not experienced.
Regarding making a choice, yes a choice is always presented at end times. For this planet, the Nine have told us that it was/is the juice as the 'end times choicepoint' therefore most souls will have already made that choice.
Do we have to say goodbye and leave loved ones? Well on a conscious or energetic level that has already happened. The bifurcation is already well underway. So from that perspective the answer is yes.
On a physical level, globally, this is not the case. Loved ones can be remained with physically as the dimensions are superimposed upon one another. You exist within the same physical space but in a different dimension. However, it will become more and more of a challenge to co-exist this way but there are those who will be able to navigate this successfully. Always remember that some souls are existing within both sides of the bifurcation simultaneously. Others are partly/sometimes within one timeline and partly/sometimes within the other as they hold different perspectives regarding different scenarios and events. For example there are those who avoided the juice choicepoint but may still be fully invested in the false narrative regarding other playouts involving sustenance, finance, energy, battle, outer space, religion, knowledge etc.
There may be those who do, literally choose to leave their loved ones behind and move to a place, physically, where they exist only with others of the New Earth. This choice will be presented around the time of the trifurcation, where their choice may be to live full time within New Earth/positive timeline, live full time within the manipulated into negative timeline/old Earth/AI construct or live physically between the two.
The Nine tell me this choice will be fully down to the individual within the New Earth consciousness as free will is experienced here (this is 5D) and nothing is forced upon anyone. Others may make choices that you would not choose and those choices must be respected but your choice is always yours and yours alone.
You ask if there is anything we can do to bring them with us? Well, clues can be given, hints can be provided, gifts can be presented and much more but it must be their choice which side of the bifurcation they choose to exist within. You cannot force anyone to move into your timeline/reality. Just as you cannot force someone to share your perspective. It is the same thing.
As we go forward in time, these teachings from the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine will become of high importance. They are indeed already so. Yet these teachings are not really 'teachings'. They are simply reminders or catalysts for everything you already know. If you are 'in New Earth' (which you will be if you are reading this) then you already know everything I have just written here.
Stand strong, things are about to get 'crazy' yet again. On the negative side, this is a collapse of everything we have ever known within a societal structure or system in our lifetime. You will hear the word 'unprecedented' again and again.
This is pure destruction and saviours will come.
On the positive side this is a revealing of all that has been hidden. That has been a long time coming and it will be welcomed by those who hold truth, sovereignty and right action within their hearts and minds.
This is pure creation and there is no saviour save self.
With love,
Magenta Pixie (and the Nine) X