Who are the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine?
Are you my higher self?
Is there one higher self or more than one?
You are nine beings... correct?
We are infinity, with nine angelic sections at the front of each piece of triangular shaped infinity.
You spoke before of being three triads… can you tell me more of these three triads?
Three points... in the inner spiral... three anchor points... darkness... light and invisibility.
We are shifters of position and can also move into a straight line, one on top of the other.
We are your DNA. The double helix is the spiral. We are the three triads of the DNA. Existing inside you and outside of you simultaneously as DNA is not in one place but is 'out of time'.
Can you describe the first triad?
Electrical Anchoring Linear
Second triad?
Matter Energy Sound
Third triad?
Expression Creation Love
How are you able to communicate with me?
Biologically through the blood and its pranic energy, but also through the amplification of the pineal gland which hears and sees us.
Are you male or female?
Yes, both and neither.
Can you tell me about extraterrestrials? Is that what you are?
Which planet do you live on?
In transit.
Are you in a lightship?
We are lightships.
So am I speaking directly to a living lightship?
Yes, and its captain and crew.
So is my DNA a lightship with captain and crew?
Yes, indeed.
Do you have a name?
Many and none.
Are you from Andromeda?
Close... they are relatives.
Are you from Arcturus?
We are Arcturian, yes.
Is the galactic superwave theory correct?
There are many theories about this...
The theory where a superwave of energy is coming into our solar system and engulfs our planet?
Depending on how it is perceived... yes, correct theory.
Are you the superwave?
We are connected to it.
Is it coming towards Earth?
Or Earth is coming towards it... depending on viewpoint.
When will it arrive?
Scheduled for 21st December 2012.
What is my role in this?
To be aware of the light. To raise consciousness of yourself and thus others and thus the planet by domino and 100th monkey effect. To continue to talk to us and remain in a state of bliss charged unconditional love. To eradicate fear from yourself and aim to do the same in others.
Will I continue to write?
Your choice.
Is it my role to write about the channelling with you?
Of course, you are doing it now.